vendredi 9 décembre 2016

Play-list 08th December 2016

0 SIGNATURE TUNE Signature tune Signature tune
1 KARL BARTOS Musica ex machina
2 RÖYKSOPP What else is there? (Trentemøller remix)
3 STUDIO X VS SIMON CARTER Connecting the dots
4 CIVIL TWILIGHT Fire escape
6 KITTY IN A CASKET Straight to hell
7 MUD FLOW Sympathy
8 BODA BODA Hafid Concours Circuit / Interview: Court-Circuit
9 GLASS MUSEUM Chamo Concours Circuit / Interview: Court-Circuit
10 MONOLITHE NOIR La bégum Concours Circuit / Interview: Court-Circuit
11 TOTM Silver apples Concours Circuit / Interview: Court-Circuit
12 WUMAN Julia (ft. Julia Minkin) Concours Circuit / Interview: Court-Circuit
13 MIOSSEC Le stade de la résistance Concerts diary
14 SHAM 69 Sing when you’re winning Concerts diary
15 CALIBAN No dream without a sacrifice Concerts diary
16 STRAY FROM THE PATH The house always wins
17 THE NEW ROSES What if it was you
18 THE BLACKMORDIA Lying to ourselves
19 DER ELEFANT Caterpillar
20 MONKEY 3 Dead planet's eyes
21 CANDLEMASS Sinister n sweet

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